
It is a relief and joy to return to performing after an 18 month hiatus.  We welcome comments from the audience and below are a selection:

40th Anniversary Concert: conductor Joe Davies Sep 24
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the concert. The orchestra sounded terrific!  The Elgar was amazing, with the fugue sounding really good  and the dynamics impressive. Well done to all.  Ruth

Hummel, Mozart and more: conductor Gregory Rose, Mar 24
The playing was fantastic, from Sasha’s sensational Hummel Trumpet Concerto to the premiere of Esterházy.  Thank you.  Gregory Rose

Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms: conductor Robert Weaver, Jan 24
Jeneba Kanneh-Mason’s playing was exquisite, with a very sensitive and natural accompaniment from the orchestra.  And the Brahms was superb, with the last movement being incredibly exciting.   Spike

The orchestra sounded fabulous throughout and the soloist was sublime.  Rob was delighted: Jeneba too, she said the orchestra was great to work with, so together in providing a warm, sensitive accompaniment.  Neil

Mendelssohn and Schumann: conductor John Warner, Sep 23
Very impressive playing from the Oxford Sinfonia in a varied and demanding programme, conducted with great drive by John Warner.  I particularly enjoyed the feisty performance of Schumann’s symphony no 4.     John

What a revelation Chausson’s Poème was, so beautifully played by Roma Tic and with such sensitive accompaniment: why is this passionate piece so neglected?   I will be seeking out more Chausson.    Andy

Classics from Vienna: conductor Kentaro Machida, Jun 23
Best concert ever! Zoë Tweed’s playing was totally amazing and the energy of the Schubert soooo infectious.  Katie

Lovely music, excellently played, just such an enjoyable evening.  Betty

A most enjoyable concert with an excellent orchestra, conductor, horn soloist and programme. We loved hearing Schubert’s ‘Great C major’ Symphony live and in such a spirited performance, full of interest to the end, despite its length!   Maddy

Spring Serenades: conductor Ben Goodall, Mar 23
A really charming and varied programme, showcasing the skills of both the strings and the wind section of the Sinfonia. A most enjoyable evening.    Sarah

It was a delight to see how inventively these three great composers have approached the serenade.  The Elgar first movement, taken at the perfect tempo, set the stage for an elegant and graceful rendering.  Dvorak’s magnificent score with three lovely horns and a contrabassoon in the outer movements no doubt presents many balancing problems; in this performance solved transparently and expertly.    Anthony

Khachaturian and  Tchaikovsky: conductor Robert Weaver, Jan 23
It was one of those concerts that, as I left, I thought ‘I am so glad I came out tonight’.   Harriet (and the same gist was said to many players as we left)

The best of Russia meets Oxford’s top amateur orchestra – add in a divine virtuoso violinist, and the result was stratospheric!

It was a brave all-Russian programme in today’s cancel culture – Khachaturian’s Adagio from “Spartacus”, followed by his fiendishly challenging violin concerto, delivered with exquisite grace and fire by Jennifer Pike (who had won Young Musician of the Year at the age of twelve), finishing with Tchaikovsky’s profound Symphony no. 5 after the interval.

We were on the edge of our seats from the moment that Jennifer Pike appeared – and not just because of the infamous Sheldonian Theatre seating – but because we were being swept along by the passion and energy of the soloist.  The orchestra raised its game to meet this virtuoso, especially the wind and brass section, the percussionists and harpist, conducted by Robert Weaver, who was always watchful and elegant.

It was just the evening for a cold January night: music full of Russian fire, passion, pathos, with a dash of melancholy – beautifully performed, to a full and enthusiastic house.                     Sheila Bailey, Ox In A Box

Handel’s Messiah with vOx: conductor David Crown, Dec 22
The Oxford Sinfonia and vOx Chamber Choir, conducted by David Crown, gave us a timely reminder of Handel’s genius and of the reason for Messiah’s popularity as a mainstay of Christmas music in this country…..The orchestra and chorus were inexhaustible.  Despite some judicious and sensible cuts, this is still a very long work, yet they all made light of it and were generally alive to the precise demands of the conductor.       John Dunston, Daily Info

Mozart, Beethoven and Hayden: conductor Joe Davies, Sep 22
Oxford Sinfonia’s new season got off to a thrilling start Alla Turca.  With Haydn’s symphony 100 (the Military) and with Turkish bands marching hither and thither, the evening took a decidedly martial character.  In the march from Beethoven’s Ruins of Athens, with bass drum, cymbal and triangle, Beethoven skilfully evokes the band trooping past and disappearing gradually into the distance.  A refreshing contrast was Mozart’s K216 violin concerto in G, elegant and stylish in the hands of Emma Lisney.  Mozart’s march, transcribed for orchestra from his K331 piano sonata and played as an encore, brought the house down.    Stella

Beethoven, Mozart and Brahms: conductor Chloe Rooke, Jun 22
This concert of classic, challenging pieces was enormously enjoyable.   The energy and enthusiasm of the delightful young conductor clearly transmitted itself to the players who played with verve and sparkle.  The two young soloists in the Mozart capped even that – hugely skilled and at the same time warm and welcoming to each other and the audience, so that we all felt included in the brilliance of the piece.  Meanwhile, if we needed extra food for our eyes as well as our ears, the great globe of Gaia by Luke Jerram rotated slowly over the heads of the orchestra, reminding us of the fragility and preciousness of our world.  Cathy

J Bologne, W A Mozart, J C Bach and J Haydn: conductor Maggie Faultless, Jan 22
What a programme!  So interesting to hear three teachers of Mozart and the man himself – the influences on Mozart are clear and I am looking forward to hearing more Bologne and J C Bach.  It was a fabulous concert, the playing was great, so tight and energetic.   Neil

Works of four contemporary composers of the 18th century were presented with great brio.  The last movement of the Haydn ‘Horn Signal’ Symphony featured virtuoso solos from all sections of the orchestra including a remarkable tour de force for the double bass. It was a pleasure to watch Margaret Faultless playing and directing so effortlessly.   James

Mozart and Bach: conductor George Caird, Oct 21
It was such a pleasure to see the Oxford Sinfonia in action again after so long in abeyance.  George Caird knows how to make the music of the 18th century come to life.  The Brandenburg had style and elegance with memorable violino piccolo playing and lovely strong braying horns.  Mozart’s symphony 29, delicious and completely captivating to its sizzling conclusion.  A delight.      Anthony

Oxford Sinfonia are such a joy to conduct.  The wind playing was spectacular and the string sound, particularly in the quiet passages, was sublime.    George Caird

Mozart’s Don Giovanni: conductor Ian Brown, Sep 21
This was the first Oxford Sinfonia concert I’ve attended and it certainly won’t be the last.  What a superb occasion with excellent orchestra and soloists contributing to the varied atmospheres of manipulation, romance and menace within the performance.   Sue H

Wonderful music performed with style and verve!  The orchestra and singers did us proud.  And wonderful to see the Sheldonian (safely) packed again.   Cathy

It was a great concert, so well done everyone.  Wonderful soloists ably accompanied by the orchestra.   Sue C

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